Who Is More Powerful?

There was a
Traveller who set
out on a
long journey to
a distant land.
He marched along
deserted roads, whistling
a tune to
himself. He wore
a thick, blown
cloak and a
back scarf. He
looked up at
the early morning
sky. The sun’s
pink radiance seemed
to smile down
at him. He felt
a gentle wind
against his cheeks
and it ruffled
his hair.
“ What a beautiful
morning! ” said to
himself and walked
on cheerily.
The North
Wind shook the
heads of wayside
bluebells and daisies.
He was in
a very good
mood that morning
too. He blew
out a greeting
to the Sun, “
Hello Sunshine! How
are you doing
this fine day? ”
“ As
fine as the
day I am
painting with my
pretty rainbow rays! ”
The North
Wind drew his breath
in sharply. He whistled
up the sloping
road and shook
the silver birches
that lined the
“ Hmmm.
It is obvious
you have not noted my
presence. Today is
such a fine
day because I
fan the leaves
and stroke the
blades of glass
with my feather
light touch, ” he
The Sun
snorted aloud. “What’s
the world without
the Sun? There
will be no day
or night without
me. In fact,
there will be no life
it self if
I go way.”
The Wind was
annoyed. He
did not want
to be surpassed
in his actions. “ Not so fast.
Without me, there
will be no movement. All
life will come
to a standstill.
Without me, no
one can even
breathe,” he argued
in a loud,
harsh voice. Their
conversation got hotter
and shriller. Neither
of them wanted
to surrender their
importance. Their quarrel
over who was
more powerful, soon
took an unpleasant
turn. A challenge
was thrown. Each
had to prove
who was more
powerful. Nothing less
would solve the
Meanwhile the
Traveller had stopped
under the shade
of a tree for a
bit of rest.
The Sun and
the Wind looked
down at him.
“ Let
us test our
strength on him,”
suggested the Sun. “
He is the
stronger who can
trip the Traveller
of his cloak, “
he challenge with
a wink of
a sparlkling eye.
“ Very
well.” growled the
North Wind, and at once
sent a cold,
howling blast against
the Traveller.
He blew up
a storm of dry
leaves from under
the shade of
the tree. The
tree swayed furiously
and the dust
in the air stung
the eyes of
the Traveller.
He got
up and brushed
off the dry
leaves stuck to his cloak.
He did mot
know he was
shortly to become
the centre of
a mighty storm!
The North
Wind began to
blow stronger and
harder. He rushed
and pushed, roared
and howled. The
Traveller began to
feel cold. He
gathered the ends
of his cloak and
drew it close to
his body. He
tied the scarf
tightly around his
neck and trudged
on. The North
Wind grew red
in the face
as he whistled
and shrieked around
the Traveller. All
his efforts went
in vain. The
Travveller only hunched
his body up
against the wind and
dragged himself forward.
He just would
not take off
the cloak. “ Oh, alright,
alright! This Traveller
is too stubborn for
comfort. You tyr
id you want, “
said the Wind
to the Sun
and he took
himself up to
the skies.
The Sun
pushed through the
dark clouds and
shone down at
the Traveller. He
began to glow
brighter and hotter.
Everything shimmered around
the Traveller. Even the
road seemed to
shine like a
The searing
heat began to
trouble the Traveller.
Beads of perspiration
stood out on
his forehead. It
trickled down his
neck and wet
his scarf. The
Traveller loosened the
knots and tugged
off his scarf.
Soon he self
the sweat running
down his back.
He untied his
cloak and threw
himself down another
" Ah, much better!" he said to himself as he wiped his forehead. "Aha!" laughed the Sun. "What do you say to that, my friend?" he asked the Wing. "The cloak has been removed!" he chuckled loudly.
The Wind grew quiet. He knew the right strategy had worked.
"I accept, O Sun, that you are more powerful," he said in a controlled voice. Once again, the sun shone with comfortable warmth and the wind blew gently about. The Traveller whistled a merry tune and continued on his journey.
snorted made a sound by forcing breath through the nose
surrender give up
howling making a long, loud sound
roared made a loud noise
clutched held tight
in vain without success
strategy skill of planning
Answer these question.
1. Why did the Sun and the Wind feel they were important?
They sere friends.
2. What did the two of them quarrel about?
Who are more powerful.
3. How did they decide to test their power?
Who can strip the traveller's cloak will win the game.
4. What did the wind do? Did he succeed?
He blew strong and hard wind but the traveller didn't take off his cloak.
5. What did the sun do? What was the result?
The sun shine up at the traveller and he strip his cloak.
6. who was the winner? What is your opinion of his strategy?
The sun win because the heat made the traveller so hot.
Choose the appropriate answers for these sentences.
1. The Sun and the wind oppose each other because
a. they rule the earth,
b. they are friends.
c. they are full of self-importance.
d. they are full of tricks.
2.The Wind lost the bet but he was
a. a graceful loser.
b. a deeply unhappy loser.
c. an angry loser.
d. an indifferent loser.
3.Fables have a moral. The best choice for the moral of this fable is
a. force always works.
b. hasty thinking yields good results.
c. threats works better than force.
d. the right strategy leads to success.